Board of Directors

The board provides strategic guidance and oversight to steer the us toward our goals.

Our board is made up of educators in several different capacities. There are P-12 educators, educators at the collegiate level, and educators of alternative instruction. Each member is representative of our STEM forward mission. Their specializations include Engineering, Math, Science, Technical and Cultural Innovations, Communications, Marketing and Branding, Gaming, Music and Writing, Sociology, Service, and Citizenship. The board strives to provide a hands on and problem based learning experience to promote excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. 

Co-Founder/Education Director

Co-Founder/Executive Director

Co-Founder/Chief Innovation Officer

Co-Founder/Board President

Board Secretary

Board Treasurer

Communications Director

Astron, the intrepid rocketeer, stands at the forefront of exploration for the Innovative Minds Academy. Born with an insatiable curiosity about the cosmos, Astron's journey into the realm of space began early in life. With a keen mind for mathematics and physics, Astron excelled in academic pursuits, earning degrees in aerospace engineering and astrophysics. His dedication and passion led him to be selected as a pilot for the academy's groundbreaking spacecraft, entrusted with the monumental task of venturing into the unknown reaches of the universe.